App name

ATS Platinum

The most convenient way to manage recruitment

With Tabidoo's ATS Platinum recruitment system, you have job postings, a database of candidates and feedback from colleagues in other departments all in one place. How does it work?

Try it free for 30 days
No payment per user
Don't pay for implementation
Best price / performance

Don't advertise manually, automate

The application offers automatic exposure of positions on selected job portals, as well as responses from applicants are automatically matched in ATS Platinum to a specific position.

Build the talent pool

Create a database of candidates in a few clicks and have a constant overview of talent for future positions.

Don't dwell on repetitive, routine activities

Less administration when assigning tasks to colleagues means higher productivity of the entire recruitment team.

Tabidoo's ATS solves common recruitment problems such as listing positions, maintaining a database or matching candidates. Every step of the recruitment process will be clear, easy to manage and measurable thanks to synchronization.

What ATS Tabidoo can help you with when recruiting:

  • List open positions in the company

    When you are looking for new employees, you prepare a job description, type of time, place of work, salary and assign the task to a recruiter in Tabidoo. Because you follow a systematic template, it takes about 3 minutes to post a job and you can be sure that you haven't missed any information and that you won't get a bunch of follow-up questions.
  • Have an overview among job applicants

    In one table you have the positions listed and next to it you can see who has responded to your advert. You read the information about the candidates and mark the ones you want to invite for an interview. Tabidoo acts as a sieve with which you can select the best people for your company.
  • Improve the work of the recruiter

    A great recruiter will let the AI polish the job description, send out one-click interview invitations and leave no candidate unanswered. Imagine how Tabidoo makes your day-to-day work easier by allowing you to invite another colleague to an interview or book a meeting room in one place.
  • Save on other HR apps

    There are plenty of recruitment apps on the market, but we dare say Tabidoo can do everything you can think of. No more spreadsheets on the side, no more hunting for emails in your inbox. Finally, you have everything in one place, and you pay a monthly retainer to use all the functionality, regardless of the number of users.

The application contains the following tables

The tables are optimized for efficient recruitment management in ATS, providing a clear and easily accessible solution for organizing candidate information.









Register for free and explore what Tabidoo's ATS can do.

No trials

No payment per user

No credit card required

4 steps to effective recruitment

No spreadsheets, no sticky notes, no chaos and no costly implementation of new systems.
With Tabidoo you have everything important in one place.
How to get started?

1.  Sign up, it's free

All you need to do is enter your name and email to get instant access to features that make the whole selection process easier.

2.  Explore what Tabidoo can help you with

5 days after registration, our sales manager will contact you and show you what the ATS system can do. You may or may not take advantage of the offer. We don't push you into anything and you have time to decide for yourself which features you will actually use.

3.  We help you with the setup

The system is very intuitive and we believe you will have it down to a science in a day or two. However, if you need help tweaking anything, please call +420 602 668 310 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

4.  Need something extra for your business?

We can develop unique functionality and bend the solution to 100% cover the specifics of your business.