Create business applications for your customers. Vytvářejte firemní aplikace pro vaše zákazníky.
Fast. Easy. Simple Rychle. Snadno. Jednoduše.

Dr. Max
    Features - No-code
    Features - Application Features - Aplikace
    Features - Tables Features - Tabulky
    Features - Records Features - Formulář

    Tabidoo je platforma nabitá funkcemi. Správa firmy proto nebyla nikdy jednodušší. Tabidoo is a feature-packed platform. Managing your business has never been easier.

    Díky funkcím jako dashboardy, pohledy na data, importy, exporty či integrace, získáte jedinečný nástroj pro správu vaší firmy. Práce s vašimi daty bude snadná a zábavná v jednom. With features like dashboards, data views, imports, exports and integrations, you get a unique tool for managing your business. Working with your data will be easy and fun all in one.

    Why Tabidoo?

    You create tailored applications

    You create tailored applications for your customers

    Tabidoo není jen jednoduchá a uživatelsky příjemná low-code platforma. S Tabidoo poskládáte firemní aplikace tak, jak vaši zákazníci potřebují. Rychle, jednoduše a bez kompromisů. Tabidoo is not just a simple and user-friendly low-code platform. With Tabidoo, you put together business applications the way your customers need them. Fast, simple and without compromise.

    Create apps in Tabidoo!
    Šetříte čas vývojářů

    Šetříte čas vašich vývojářů Saves developers' time!

    Programátory od teď budete potřebovat na složitější projekty vznikající tzv. na zelené louce. Na všechno ostatní je tu Tabidoo. From now on, you will need programmers only for more complex projects. For everything else, there's Tabidoo.

    Budujete vztah se zákazníkem

    You build a relationship with your customer through your apps.

    Vytvářejte firemní aplikace jako hotová a krabicová řešení. Aplikace můžete rovněž vystavit do Šablon aplikací Tabidoo a tam nabídnout komukoli z celého světa. Create business apps as ready-made solutions. You can also publish apps to App Templates and offer them to anyone around the world.

    Visit App templates

    What is a Low-code platform and why use it?

    Let's take an example from the automotive industry and compare the process of making a car with software development. Today's cars are not made up of basic parts like nuts and bolts, but of pre-assembled blocks or components. In this way, today's cars are assembled relatively quickly, at an affordable price and with a predictable result. And so does work a Low-code platform like Tabidoo.

    Dřívější způsob vývoje aplikací An earlier way of developing applications

    An earlier way of developing applications


    • Uniqueness


    • Price
    • Horší predikce ceny Worse price prediction
    • Horší predikce termínu dodání Worse delivery time prediction
    • Slow reaction to change
    Low-code platforma pro tvorbu aplikací Low-code platform for app development

    Low-code platform for app development


    • Fast delivery
    • Resistance to errors
    • Effective
    • StandardizovanéStandardized
    • Safe
    • Cheap


    • Není unikátníIt is not unique

    Tabidoo works on the principle of a Low-code platform

    Tabidoo offers users a step-by-step way to create applications thanks to its many pre-made features.

    Create custom applications

    Fast delivery

    Tabidoo allows more apps to be built in less time, what once took months now takes only days, even minutes.

    Lower costs

    Thanks to Tabidoo, you can build apps that otherwise would need many hours of research, hand-coding, and testing.

    Easy customisation

    Tabidoo helps make the necessary changes quickly and adapt any app to the required needs of the customer.

    Integration with anything

    Integrate to anything. Collaboration with other software is easy.

    Easily connect Tabidoo to any other application via Zapier, Make or API. Tabidoo will manage all your company databases and thanks to integrations you will get unlimited possibilities of use.

    Keep Tabidoo in your corporate colours and branding

    Mějte Tabidoo ve vašich firemních barvách a brandingu. Keep Tabidoo in your corporate colours and branding.

    You can run Tabidoo on your own domain and under your company brand. This way the customer can get a complete solution from your company.

    Modes of operation

    Cloud or On-premise? Create solutions according to customer needs.

    Tabidoo offers several modes of operation. The basic one is Cloud, then On-premise or combined mode On-Premise-Hybrid.

    Modes of operation

    Tabidoo offers two levels of partner program

    Basic Partner

    The partner receives 30% of the license price for the duration of the relationship with the customer.

    Staňte se Basic partnerem Become a Basic Partner

    Gold Partner

    Gold Partner vytváří aplikace pod svou firemní identitou (logo, brand) a dodává jej svým zákazníkům. Platí poplatek za pronájem Tabidoo. Pro své zákazníky si určuje vlastní cenovou politiku. Gold Partner creates applications under its corporate brand and delivers them to its customers. It pays Tabidoo a rental fee but sets its own pricing policy towards end customers.

    Staňte se Gold partnerem Become a Gold Partner
    Benefits - Integrations
    Benefits - JavaScript
    Benefits - workflow Benefits - workflow


    Connect Tabidoo to any app or software to increase your productivity. Make, Zapier, or API allow you to integrate any system, making it easier and clearer to pass data between systems.


    If you have JavaScript skills, you can customize the behavior of forms and other parts of the application.

    Workflow automation

    Tabidoo includes workflow automation that takes care of the repetitive activities for you.

    Benefits - Roles Benefits - Role
    Benefits - Reporty Benefits - Reports
    Benefits - Historie změn Benefits - Change history
    Benefits - Notifikace Benefits - notifications


    Access control using roles.


    Create your own reports, save them to PDF, print or email them.


    Vytvářejte vlastní reporty, ukládejte je do formátu PDF, tiskněte je nebo je posílejte e-mailem.

    Change history

    Tabidoo contains a full change history (audit history) to individual data. It records the entire lifecycle of each record from creation to deletion.


    Thanks to notifications, you will be informed of any changes.


    Díky notifikacím budete informováni o všech změnách.

    Tabidoo App Templates

    Offer your apps using App Templates

    Do you know of an app that other customers need? Place it in the Tabidoo App Templates and get new customers from every download. Similar to the Google Play and Apple Stores.

    Tabidoo Ecosystem

    Become part of the Tabidoo ecosystem, join us and you will grow with us

    The Tabidoo team has prepared a complete partner program for you, including training. We will make available a partner portal where we will meet regularly. We will also be happy to share your insights on how to further improve Tabidoo.

    I want to become a partner
    Tabidoo free for business purposes

    Get Tabidoo for free for business purposes

    The cooperation includes a Tabidoo account for business purposes. This is completely free for you. Take advantage of the support of the Tabidoo sales department!

    Become part of the Tabidoo ecosystem. Join us and you will grow with us.

    Tabidoo has prepared a full partner program for you, including complete training. We will make available a partner portal where we can meet regularly. We will also be happy to share your insights on how to make Tabidoo even better.

    I want to become a partner